bmw transmission malfunction drive moderately message

BMW Transmission Malfunction Drive Moderately [ Fault Causes]

BMW transmission malfunction can occur for many reasons. It is the responsibility of someone who owns a BMW, to be aware of their car’s common malfunction signs.

However, even if you have car serviced regularly, you still need to take note of your car’s driving problems.

In the rest of this blog post, I will tell you all you need to know about the bmw transmission malfunction drive moderately. Keep reading.

What does BMW’s “Transmission malfunction drive moderately” Mean?

The “Transmission malfunction drive moderately” message means that there is a problem with the transmission or associated elements, and it needs to be looked at by a professional.

The reason this message appears is because the transmission has detected an issue and is trying to protect itself from further damage while you are driving.

The first step in getting rid of this message is to take your car into a professional mechanic or dealership so they can diagnose the problem. The next step is to have them fix it so that this message won’t come back again.

What causes BMW’s “Transmission malfunction drive moderately” Message?

The most common cause of this warning is a cracked plastic adapter that attaches the transmission to the engine.

The adapter can crack due to overheating, which can happen if your car’s transmission fluid level is low or if you’ve driven your car in stop-and-go traffic for an extended period of time.

If there is a leak and it leads to a lack of fluid in the vehicle, this can equally result in getting this alert by your car.

If you get this warning, it’s essential

to fix it right away so your transmission doesn’t suffer more damage that could lead to more expensive repairs in the long run.

Can I still drive my BMW with a transmission malfunction?

The answer is yes, you can drive your BMW with a transmission malfunction. However, it is not recommended that you do so.

The reason for this is that a transmission malfunction can cause serious damage to your vehicle and may even lead to an accident.

If your car has been diagnosed with a transmission problem, it’s important to have the issue fixed as soon as possible. If you don’t get it taken care of right away, there’s a chance that your vehicle could break down while driving and cause an accident.

This isn’t something that you want to risk happening to yourself or other people on the road.

BMW Bad Transmission Symptoms

There are a few different ways to tell if your BMW transmission is bad, and here are some of the most common ones:

  • Frequent gear slipping: If your BMW transmission is slipping, it may be time to replace it. Slipping gears can cause the engine to overheat, which can lead to other problems. Slipping gears also cause wear on the transmission and make driving much more difficult for you.
  •   Noisy when in neutral: One sign that your BMW transmission is bad is that it makes a grinding noise when you put it in neutral. If this happens, it’s best to have your car looked at by a professional as soon as possible because this sound could be coming from a variety of things, including worn parts or even a broken belt.
  • Transmission malfunction message: If an error message displays on your dashboard telling you that there’s an issue with your transmission, this could mean that something has gone wrong inside of the unit itself and needs to be repaired or replaced immediately.

BMW transmissions are designed to last a long time, but they do wear out. When a transmission starts slipping and making strange noises, it’s usually time for a new one.

How to reset BMW transmission malfunction?


To reset your BMW Transmission malfunction, you need to first turn off the vehicle and take the key out of the ignition insert. After doing that, you follow these steps:

  1. Turn your key to the ignition but do not start the vehicle. (If you have a blade key for your BMW, you are going to turn it once to the second position without turning the car on. But for a key fob, simply stick it into the ignition)
  2. Once the key is in the ignition, push the start/stop button but do not start the vehicle so you want to keep your foot off the break. Afterward, you would see that everything on the dashboard is going to light up.
  3. Once that happens, press and hold the accelerator pedal all the way down – completely – and keep it held down for about 30 seconds after which you will now hit the start/stop button and pull the key out.
  4. Now, just slightly open your door and close it. That’s it – How easy and quick to reset the transmission error on your BMW.

Meanwhile, you have no reason to worry as there is no harm to potentially occur during any of these steps. All it does is reset the transmission module and get rid of rough shifting you might be having.

What to do if your BMW is having a transmission malfunction?

If left unchecked, a transmission problem can lead to serious damage that is expensive to repair and will likely affect your vehicle’s performance. Here’s what to do if your BMW is having a transmission malfunction:

 Get Your Car Inspected

Before you make any repairs, take your car in for an inspection. A trained BMW technician can tell you exactly what’s wrong with your car and whether it needs to be repaired or not.

If they say that the problem isn’t a big deal or that there isn’t anything wrong with your transmission, then don’t worry about it — but if they find something wrong, you need to fix it immediately.

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